Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weddings, Funerals and Mormon Prom

May 2, 2010
Dear Rosalynde, Gabrielle, Naomi, Brigham, Rachel, Benjamin, Abraham and Christian!
Mama’s letter is wonderful. She said everything that needs to be said so eloquently. I hope my contribution does not detract.
Saturday was such a poignant day with two wonderful events. Andrew Townsend was married in the morning and had his reception at the Townsend home in the evening. We got to see Peter and Emily and their new baby. Married life is good for them. They both look great and in great shape. Their baby boy came right to me in Church, and showed virtually no stranger anxiety. I kidded them that I just look like his grandfather. I saw Whitney today, as well, Rachel, with her two children. She is excited for you for your baby in June. I also saw Melodie Thatcher at the Funeral on Saturday, with her little baby that was born at two pounds. He looks like he is three months old now, but is seven months old. She said to say hello to you. So we saw the beginnings of families and new life.
We also attended Charles Broberg’s funeral on Saturday. I went over to the Stake Center about 12:30 PM to usher. The funeral started at 2:00 pm. The chairs in the cultural hall were set up only about 2/3 of the way back. I looked at it and said to several others that it would not be enough. I talked with Greg Brown, and he said go ahead and set more up. So we set up two more trucks of chairs (trucks are the wheeled carts on which the chairs are stored that go under the stage.) Later, Kirk Malmrose told me that Jeanne Broberg did not want too many chairs set up because she did not want it to look presumptuous. This shows how sensitive and humble these two great people are. As it turned out, almost all of the chairs were taken and we needed the extra rows.

I don’t know who cried the most tears on Saturday, but I certainly cried a lot. There are many wonderful men in the world, but there are three of whom there are none better – and Charles Broberg is one of them. (The other two are your grandfathers.) Charles is one of those men who could easily have been called to the Quorum of the Twelve, but whose personal ministry was so vital and important and who did so much good that he remained in callings where the personal ministry was so important – including two mission to Russia. I believe Jonathan Frandsen knew Charles and Jeanne during his mission. He was our Bishop for five years. He was in the stake presidency when we first moved into the stake (if my memory is correct). Of course Rosalynde and Sarah were classmates and Naomi and their youngest daughter (forgive my memory) were also classmates. Their children have turned out wonderful(ly). Mama is Jeanne’s visiting teacher.

We wish there had been no conflict between the Mormon Prom and the Concerto Concert. But there was. Next year, I will let Mr. Stone know months in advance about the Mormon Prom – although it does not involve many LDS students. The Concerto Concert was fabulous. Lois Johnson commented that she could almost envision it as a recital at Julliard. The violinists were fabulous – the fingerwork and bowing were superb. The tone was wonderful. I cannot say enough. And most of them had a very nice stage presence as well. Mrs. Spelz and Mr. Stone had the orchestra very well prepared. They had to prepare for six(!) orchestral accompaniments. They were all played very nicely. Except for one entrance of several measures, even the brass sounded good. Abraham, when the freshman pianist started the Rach 1, I thought you were up there playing again. Unfortunately, Benjamin, there were no cellists this year.

Mama told me that the Welches were coming to stay with us Friday evening. I didn’t hear her say “Jack and Jeannie”. So during the concerto concert, I went home quickly to leave a note – for John and Nita. We would loved to have had them stay as well, but Jack and Jeannie were there when I came home. We had a fine conversation Friday evening, but that was about all the conversation we had. We need more time.

Eva was so excited about Mormon Prom. She loved her dress, as did I. Last Sunday, she went over to model it for the Owens. She modeled the dress for me as well, but I was not a big enough audience, or perhaps not appreciative enough. Mama and Evan did her hair so cute. She was gorgeous Friday evening for the Prom. (Saturday evening, Cecelia Kaesler told me how beautiful she thinks Eva is, and always has been.) Jonathan Skaggs picked her up – with his older brother Adam driving. I took some pictures here at home, then I went to the Church where everyone gathered to get on the bus to drive to Long Beach to the Aquarium of the Pacific for the dance. I am attaching the pictures I took.

I do not really have a sports report this week. We ended up in third place in our division. But the playoffs do not start until May 11 (I believe). So I’ll need to work out by myself to stay in shape.
That’s all for now.
Love Daddy