Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Pictures

David Beckham and Landon Donovan agreed to pose with us.

Mama Daddy and Eva behind a waterfal on the hike to Mt. Timp.

Mama and Eva by wildflowers on the trail.

Two beautiful ladies by a beautiful stream on the way to Mt. Timpanogos.

Rosalynde and Elena near the cross on a peak near the family reunion summer camp.

Mama, Benjamin and Abraham in the middle of the Virgin River where Deep Creek meets the virgin river.

Mama, Brigham and Benjamin wall to wall in the virgin river gorge.

On a fallen log across the river.

Mama cutting abraham's hair.

A bird met its match on the front of my truck. abraham, eva and mama buried it next to the parking lot by the BYU law school.

Mama and abraham relaxing after commencement.

Frandsens, Jardines, and Whipples after commencement.

Frandsens, Whipples and graduates.

graduates - two of benjamin's friends.

Gnandkids at the family reunion.

Elena with a new fun game. Perhaps i should make one for our home!

A copy of one above.

Benjamin and BYU quantum mechanics professor - i should not have forgotten her name - she is French.

Frandsens without Benjamin but with Pres. Samuelson.

benjamin speaking at Convocation. he is wearing the honors medallion, the phi kappa phi medallion, and cords representing German and Physics

Eva in the brook at BYU near the Carillon.

Rachel and Rosalia at family reunion.

all the frandsens who were there.

i had no idea that i uploaded multiple copies of the pictures. it must be computer gremlins.

Benjamin with some of the honors graduates and honors luncheon.

Mama and Benjamin with Benjamin's thesis.