Monday, August 17, 2009


Dear Rosalynde, Gabrielle, Naomi, Brigham, Rachel, Benjamin, and Abraham!

I have had two wonderful days, Friday 3:00 pm – Sunday 3:00 pm. Friday, I came home from work early! I gathered my things, threw them in the truck, said goodbye to Mama, Gabrielle, Joseph, Brigham and Mosey, and took off for Yosemite! I made several work related telephone calls, finally finished the business, and set the truck on cruise and pointed it to Yosemite National Park. I managed to get out of Los Angeles country before rush hour slowed the traffic. I drove all the way to Oakhurst, before stopping for gas. Then I drove on to Yosemite, entered the south entrance, and then drove into the park. I arrived sometime after 9 pm. I registered for the cabin, found it in the dark, made up the beds, brushed my teeth, called Rachel, read a book, then about 10:30, after calling Rachel and finding out that she was just entering into the Valley loop, I met her at the Registration building. It was good to see her, but I missed two of my favorite persons – Mama and Jonathan. When we had set the date, we did not take into account Gabrielle’s visit. She needed to return to Austin on Saturday. Jonathan had received an important assignment within the past week, and had to work Saturday and today. We finally turned the light out about 11:30 PM.

Well, both of us needed sleep, since I did not have enough the last few nights. We slept until about 7:30 AM, we hurried, at some breakfast, finished packing our day pack, and then left our tent cabin about 8:00 AM. The day was completely cloudless and the temperature was moderate. We hiked up the mist trail, up the stairs of Mordor, and to Nevada Falls. A mile on, we stopped at the river to pump a liter of water, before we started up the mountain side. We stopped at the spring, refreshed our water supply. We stopped to eat a little a couple of times. We then pushed on up to the base of Half Dome. We reached the base about 1:50 PM. There was quite a crowd at the cables, most going up, some coming down. We entered into the cable, selecting some nice gloves at the bottom. The going was slow. Eventually, we just went around people in front of us who were too placid to go up two abreast. Finally, when we neared the top quarter and the slope moderated significantly, we ducked outside the dual cables, and walked up the outside and up on to the top. The ascent took us 45 minutes, it should have take 15 minutes. We loved the top. Rachel called Jonathan and Mama via cell phone. We ate food, took pictures, and admired the view. We then started down about 3:40 PM. This was so frustrating, the line hardly advanced. Quite a few people were so frustrated, that they went down outside the cables, holding on to just one. I felt this was too dangerous. However, as the time went by, my frustration level increased. Eventually, I said to Rachel, when we were about half-way down, let’s go. No one was willing to pass anyone else in line. There were few coming up, so as I did before, I went down two abreast, passing those who didn’t do that. We soon saw the problem. A couple of individuals, one lady in particular, were panicking and could not find the strength or courage to just go down. There were freezing up. As I made my way past this lady, I asked if I could help; she refused, and I moved on. Many others were also quite exasperated. Nevertheless, I certainly agreed that we should not push anyone that could result in an accident, which if happened high enough, would certainly be fatal. We hurried down the trail. We stopped at the spring to refill our water bottle, and set off at a good pace. We found some German’s and French to talk to. We took the John Muir trail down, and had some great vistas that you do not have on the stairs of Mordor. When we reached the bridge below Vernal Falls, we really felt beat up. But we finished the last 1e3 miles to the camp. We had a great time. We talked about many things going both up and down. Thus, although we returned about 8:30 PM, it didn’t seem to me that it took 12 hours round-trip. Our bodies, however, told up it was 17 miles round trip. It is such a great hike and wonderful scenery. We hurried to the showers, and we were both lucky that we each found one. Rachel even returned to the tent cabin before I did. We then drove over to the Ahwanahee Hotel. Our favorite little restaurant, with piano player, was still open. We enjoyed a leisurely dinner, with romantic music, allowing our beat-up bodies to relax and refresh. It was hard to get my legs and knees going after we finished. After we got back to our tent cabin, we did not spend too much time talking, we sank straight into bed. Well, this description does not do justice to the hike, the scenery, the granite mountains, the high sierra skyline, etc. If one of you wants a private hike to the top of half dome with me, just let me know!

A wonderful two weeks came to an end this week – two weeks with wonderful grandchildren. We sent Jack and Elena back last Saturday with Eva, and we sent Gabrielle with her boys back on Saturday. I played soccer with the boys again during the week. I saw their excitement as they told me about their visit to JPL. Wednesday evening, Mama and Gabrielle went to a movie – Julie and Julia. They enjoyed it. I hope Mama has the energy every summer for a Grandma Camp. I enjoyed having Gabrielle here. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time together.

I went biking Monday and Wednesday, and I went running with my soccer ball on Tuesday. I had another soccer game on Thursday at 8:45 pm. This team we played was also primarily Hispanic, and they were good technically. However, we were faster. We scored the first goal, a great combination play. The other team scored an equalizer, when a clearance by the keeper (a fist punch) went high in the air. When it came down, two players jostled to head the ball, and it unfortunately fell to an unmarked opponent, who shot and scored. I suppose I should have been marking the player. Instead, I was watching the ball and being alert so that if it came in my direction, I could clear it. However, I should have looked around for an opponent, and marked anyone near me who was in a dangerous position. In that case, I would have marked the player. But that comes with experience, and I haven’t played enough for it to be instinctive with me to mark the opponent’s player first. We scored another fine goal, and took a one goal lead at half. We held the lead until about the 80 minute mark. In the meantime, we missed several platinum chances for another goal. Then, as one of our players chested down a cross in front of our goal, his feet slipped, and as he fell, the ball hit his arm. The silly referee called a hand ball and the other team scored on the penalty kick. So the game ended in a 2-2 tie. I played the defensive mid-field position. We had about 4 subs, but since I am in the best shape, I played the full time but 5 minutes. Their best player kept trying to do something with the ball, but every time he turned toward the goal, I was in front of him, or if he looked for a pass, a teammate would not pass it to him because I was on his shoulder, or whenever he tried to make a penetrating run looking for a pass, I always cut off the passing lane. He was getting frustrated. Finally, as he went for a ball, and I challenged him closely, he viciously swung his elbow, hit me in the chest, and knocked me to the ground (with a little embellishment on my part). It deserved a red card, but the player only received a yellow card. Then he gave me a yellow card. I asked him why. He said I had been holding the opponent’s shirt. (That was not the case.) Except for these two bad calls, the referee did a good job.

We have also been lucky enough to host three nephews in the last three weeks. This week, Sam came by to stay for a day or two. He brought some delicious sweet corn. He is a handsome young man, tall, muscular, curly hair, great smile. I think he stayed just over night. Then yesterday, John Gardner arrived. He has been working this summer for the last few weeks in southern California installing security systems. After starting in Vancouver, this company asked him to come down here. The company provided an apartment, however the company didn’t pay the rent recently, and John had to move. But thankfully, they are paying him what the owe him. I had a fine talk with him. He will work here for a few more weeks before returning to Rexburg ad BYU-Idaho. He has two more semesters, and then hopefully he will be accepted at pharmacy school.

I also had a nice conversation with Eva. I have not seen too much of her this summer. She completed a wonderful EFY in Nauvoo. She said about 400 young people attended. It was help primarily in the stake center there in Nauvoo. So she will spend a few more days with Rosalynde, and meet us Salt Lake next Thursday.

Christian appears to have been busy this week preparing for departure for BYU. He has been sorting and packing for the past few days. It must be a big job, since he has been at it for some time! The preferred packing containers are think trash bags. He has asked Mama to repair some buttons for him. Christian also went camping with a friend – David Hill – I think – at Chilao on Thursday evening. They took tin foil dinners to cook at Chilao.

Please enjoy the pictures I am attaching, or see it at our blog at However, I had Gabrielle take a picture of my black eye, which is attached. To get a decent picture, she set my camera on “manual” and I forgot to change it back. So my picture quality is not great. Sorry rachel. I have just confirmed my photographic reputation.

That’s all for now.
Love Daddy

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