Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23, 2009
Dear Rosalynde, Gabrielle, Naomi, Brigham, Rachel, Benjamin, Abraham and Christian!
This evening, I went to Eva’s back to school night. I have been doing this for 30 years! Eva is fortunate that you have all created a wonderful legacy for her – although it is intimidating to live up to it. But Eva is doing well in carrying the torch. In Honors Chemistry, Mr. Weld remembered you fondly. He remembered that he taught Rosalynde in about his first year at LCHS. In Mrs. Barker’s English Honors Class, she said she was delighted to have Eva, as she had had Rachel and everyone else at sometime. She remembers Rachel as the Rose Princess, and she remembered Christian in 6th or 7th grade, as well as Abe and I think Benjamin. Frau Sos remembered Abraham fondly, and I think Benjamin as well. We spoke German. She seems so young. I sat down in Mrs. Leu’s class, and she looked at me, and she said she recognized me as the father of the Frandsen children and Eva. She loved teaching you math. (Abraham and Benjamin, are you the ones who had her?) Mrs. Chahine raved about all of you. She told the whole classroom of parents that she had taught each of my children, that she loves them all, they were all model students, and she even has essays to this day by some of you as models she uses for her students. In her explanation of European history, in speaking of the transition between the middle ages and the renaissance, she mentioned that the middle ages was about scholasticism, group think and theology. With the renaissance, there began to be independent thinking. After, I told Mrs. Chahine about Rosalynde’s dissertation on the development of private conscience. Mrs. Chahine said she would love to read it.
So Rosalynde, if you have an electronic copy, perhaps you would like to send it to Mrs. Chahine, or tell her how to get a copy.
That’s all for now.
Love Daddy

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