Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010

Dear Rosalynde, Gabrielle, Naomi, Brigham, Rachel, Benjamin, Abraham and Christian!

On Easter Sunday, I want my children to know that I have a strong and unshakeable faith and confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe in the Plan of Salvation. I believe in the possibility of deification. I believe in the rule of eternal law, and I believe that the mastery of such laws enables and advances freedom and agency. I believe in the goodness and purity of our Heavenly Parents and of Jesus Christ. I believe in the power of the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and the New Testament. I believe in both happiness and misery (pain, suffering, cruelty and sin) in this life. I believe in the necessity of repentance and good works. I believe we should participate in the ordinances of the Church. I believe we should be liberal with our material means and work to do good in this world. I believe in freedom. I believe that God’s purposes will be accomplished faster and better in a culture and society of freedom. I believe in the institution of the family. I believe in the law of chastity. I believe in forgiving others. I believe in not expecting perfection in others, particularly among those serving in the Church, since those serving in the Church share some of my many foibles. I believe in gratitude toward family members and those who serve in the Church.

I enjoyed General Conference. I will mention just a few items. First, the closing hymn for Priesthood Session – “Hold to the Rod” – sung by the BYU Men’s Chorus – was stunning. The arrangement and organ accompaniment (four hands) were exquisite. The performance, dynamics, enunciation, phrasing, and musicality I thought were top quality. I hope the arrangement will be made widely available. (Christian Hansen participated in the Chorus.) Second, Elder Dallin Oaks talk on Priesthood Blessings was authoritative. I appreciated his mention to the Saints of miracles performed by God in response to the humble and faithful prayers or other non-LDS congregations of believers. I will have to rethink my view of blessings a bit. He said the efficacy of blessing depends primarily on faith and the will of the Lord, not what the Priesthood holder says particularly in the blessing. So he said that Priesthood holders should not be afraid to give blessings, since what they say is not that important if the basics of the blessings are included – anointing and sealing and a few words of blessing. Yet he also said that Priesthood holders should not over-promise, they should only say what the Lord wants said. I have been of the view that Priesthood Holders should be bold and give a blessing of healing, and then let the Lord do what the Lord wants. Third, many speakers spoke about the trials we face in this life, particularly the loss of children or others in the prime of life. The general theme seemed to be that such challenges must be expected in this life, and God will not shield us from them. We should not let such circumstances weaken our faith are embitter us. God’s purposes in such matters are inscrutable to us so we must not allow the idea that God will bless us to be transmuted into the idea that the blessing is to shield us from the pain of such circumstances. Fourth, Elder Uchtdorf continues to mightily impress. (However, given the ages of the other Brethren, Br. Uchtdorf will be much like Elder J. Reuben Clark – a tower of strength to the President of the Church, serving for many many years as a counselor. Sixth, more of my peers that I knew at BYU or on my mission have been called as general authorities (Wilford Anderson, Greg Schwitzer). I suppose there might be disappointment when you view me in comparison, but two redeeming factors exist: One, none of them has married your mother, and two none of them have you as children, or as many children, or as accomplished and saintly children (is in faithful Latter-day Saints).

We had a wonderful surprise this weekend. Rachel and Jonathan showed up Friday evening. Much of California business shuts down on Good Friday, so they drove down, visiting Jonathan’s grandparents on the way. I didn’t know until I returned home about 8:00 pm. I said hello and then left for my Friday evening LA Muni League Soccer game. Rachel said they might come down to watch me play. I didn’t expect it, but they came and arrived at half-time. So they same my play, and they said they actually enjoyed watching the game. They did see my team score two goals, and they saw me make some defensive plays. They didn’t see the first half where the other team scored two goals on two defensive gaffes (not my fault!). We should have won, but instead it was a draw. But the draw still keeps us in a play-off spot.

Saturday, I connected the projector to the laptop computer, set up the screen in the library, logged onto the Church website, and watched conference on the big screen. Both cats seemed to enjoy conference with us. During the day, Rachel and Jonathan went jogging at FIS before conference started, and visited the Norton Simon Museum between sessions. After the afternoon session, they went to Descanso Gardens. Before and during session, I cut two-by-fours, sanded them, glued them, and stained them, and finally shellacked them. (I will use them as risers for my stand up desk in my office.) Following the afternoon session, I went to FIS and played soccer for 45 minutes. We had about 22 show up to play. I played keeper, and this time, I made some good plays, and then I played defense for a while before I came home. Jonathan and I then went to the Priesthood session. I enjoyed introducing him to everyone I said hello to. As we were driving home from Priesthood Session, Jonathan checked the Duke Score in his smartphone. Duke was leading at the half. However, we did not get to watch the second half. Instead, after considerable consideration (debate?), we decided to go to dinner, first at Los Gringos Locos, but then to Souplantation. We all ate more than we should have (actually I did, Mama and Eva ate modestly).

While at Descanso Gardens, Rachel and Jonathan got an Easter Gift for Mama – a season’s family pass to Descanso Gardens. Now Mama, Eva and I can enjoy some wonderful strolls through Descanso Gardens on a Sunday or on a Saturday.

Today, Rachel and Jonathan left early to return to San Francisco. Mama, Eva and I went to Forest Lawn between Conference Sessions. Isaac’s new grave marker has been installed. Mama and Eva put flowers around the grave markers for Jacob and Isaac, we read some Easter passages, and then returned home. I am attaching pictures (either to this letter or on the blog) that you may view.

We enjoyed Easter Week, contemplated the happenings each day. On Thursday, Mama conducted a Seder for the Verdugo Hills Relief Society in our home. I brought over three tables from the Church and set them up. Since there are now women Rabbis, I suppose Mama can just as well conduct the Seder. Also on Thursday, Eva had a recital at the High School – she attended to listen to fellow string orchestra students present concertos.

Monday evening, we played an LA City municipal league game, rescheduled as a make up from a rain out. We played a very good team just ahead of us in the standings, the same team we had played the previous Friday. This time, we played to a tie, not a loss. I thought it was a very well played game all-around – it was one of my best games.

Wednesday evening, I attended Mama’s class in Glendale. Unfortunately, I was late and only heard the last 30 minutes. We talked about Jesus and the temple at and after his crucifixion. After stopping at Smart and Final, and getting gas in my truck, I stopped at our ward building to collect tables from the Church for Mama’s Seder. Then I went running.

Earlier this month, the Witherspoon Institute released a report examining “The Social Costs of Pornography” and its devastating impact on contemporary society. I hope each of you personally we completely shun pornography and teach your kids to do the same. I believe strongly in the First Amendment guarantee that government should not restrict speech, particularly political speech and the advocacy of ideas – any ideas. But I do not believe that “free speech” extends to extortion, bribery, fraud, perjury - and pornography. Unfortunately, I believe the Supreme Court has got it wrong on this point.

That’s all for now.
Love Daddy

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