Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Letter May 29 2011 - pictures

May 29, 2011
Dear Rosalynde, Gabrielle, Naomi, Brigham, Rachel, Benjamin, Abraham and Christian!

Rosalynde, why is John climbing Mt. McKinley in May and June, with snow pack the highest an run-off the highest? Why not August and September? Good luck to John. Keep us posted!

I hope you all saw the big game yesterday! Barcelona outclassed Manchester United and won 3-1. I have been a Man U fan, primarily because of the success of the manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, a Scot who nevertheless was knighted for the success of his team. This year, Man U by winning the Premier League surpassed Liverpool as the all-time winningest English Soccer team. But Barcelona were magnificent. Messi is the greatest player in the world. He is only 23 years old. He will end up surpassing Pele as the greatest player ever. And Messi seems like a genuinely nice guy – no tattoos and no scandals. I hope he continues that way. So now I will have to have two favorites – Man U and Barcelona. The demonstration of ball control and skill were simply amazing. While on the subject of soccer, my club team won 3-0 on Wednesday. We started with 10 players, but our 11th arrived shortly after we started. I played left midfield, but often dropped deep almost as a left back. I am in pretty good shape – I played the entire 90 minutes without a problem, and still had a lot in the tank at the end. Saturday afternoon, we played at the high school. We started with 8 to a side, on a short field. But soon others arrived, and we had full teams, and they boys pushed the goals to a full field – 120 yards long. Some how, all the young guys ended up on the other team. That meant that I was running, running running the entire time. But I help my own. I only got beat badly once, by the other teams best player, who had played on an Academy Club Team. But I was dead tired Saturday evening and I went to bed about 10:00 PM. But unless our Wednesday evening red-eye is significantly delayed, I will miss my club team’s game on Wednesday, and the Saturday afternoon game. Brigham, do you have a game on Saturday and do you need an extra player?

Eva is now spending 12-14 hours at school straight. She goes over about 7:30 AM, then she stays right through after school for Beauty and the Beast rehearsals that go to 9:00 pm or a touch later. She spent about 12 hours yesterday, and today she has rehearsal from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM. She is trying to study when she is not on stage or rehearsing music. Unfortunately, mama and I will not be here this week for the performance, since we will be in Cambridge. I hope to watch a bit of the dress rehearsal on Wednesday before we leave for the airport.

We are making a dent in the extra cookies from the wedding reception, but we still have a few to go. We also have some ice cream bars in the freezer that I need to start on. Gifts have continued to arrive for Benjamin and Shayla. It looks like I will need my truck to bring everything to Provo for the end of June when we come for the Hansen Family reunion.

Mama has continued to be very busy since the wedding. She painted the walls on the landing this week. She has worked in the flower gardens. She has followed up on Girl Scout matters. She is working on the baccalaureate for the high school on June 14. I hope she will tell you all about everything she is doing.

I just worked a lot of hours this week, so I have nothing much to report. I hope the flooding in Utah will not be too severe. If Utah gets some 90 degree weather, the rivers will really overflow. Would someone like to plan a Yampa River Trip with me in the next two or three weeks?

In our Fast and Testimony meeting today (since we have Stake Conference next week), Mick Wetzel told of advice that John Welch gave to him one Sunday. He told Mick to treat his wife every day as if he had just asked her to marry him and she had not yet replied. Mama, I am sure, was wondering why Br. Welch did not give me that advice when we first moved into the ward in 1987.

I have put this letter and a lot more pictures on our blog at
That’s all for now.
Love Daddy

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